This blogpost is about a very special place to watch animals down under: Cape Hillsborough beach with its kangaroos and wallabies. MORE
This blogpost features the playful humpback whales at Hervey Bay, Australia. Check for some breathtaking pictures of breaching whales and their calfs. MORE
The Course Camarguaise is the unbloody version of "bull fighting" in the Camargue. MORE
This blogpost covers my four weeks on Fort Governors Estate at the South African Eastern Cape during my sabbatical. Expect lots of antelopes and vast landscapes. MORE
This blogpost is about the coastal town of Rooi-El and its local wildlife. MORE
I found a leaflet of Meerkat Adventures during our stay in Oudtshoorn, South Africa. And off we were on the next and very early morning for a sunrise with the meerkat family. It was one of the best tours on animals I did in my whole life! You sit only 5 m away from their barrow and enjoy their morning routine (which is basically getting their belly warmed up by the sun before going off foraging for the rest of the day). After the morning routine you would not be able to find them during the day anymore due to the high bushes. There is no spot in the world to get a similar experience that close without disturbing them. Find out more about my South Africa trip via this link.