
Hamburg highlights

Elbe from above

Flying over the river Elbe in a Cessna: Look what the lifeline of Hamburg looks like from above. MORE

Hamburg from above

What better way to see beautiful Hamburg then from a Cessna. MORE

Walking the tidal flats to Neuwerk

This blogpost is about a walk from Cuxhaven the the wadden sea island of Neuwerk during low tide. MORE

With the Elbe pilots towards sunset

I had the chance to join one of the largest container vessels in the world on the Elbe river and made a video to give you an idea of what it is like. MORE

Blue Port Hamburg

Every other year Hamburg features the Blue Port.  A perfect time for photographers to take pictures of their city in a different vibe. MORE

Elbphilharmonie - Fertig!

Blogpost about the finalisation of the architectural landmark Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. MORE

Hamburg gallery

Hamburg blogposts

One blogpost a week for a whole year

2017 is over and I have finshed my first weekly photo project! For 52 weeks in a row I posted a photo blogpost every Monday. It was a spontaneous decision during the last week of 2016. My website was already in place as a landing page and I already posted quite some blogposts under, but not on a weekly basis. #52projectJA became my hashtag on my twitter and my instagram account to find this content. Did you check it already?


With this no. 52 of 52 I would like to give you some findings and let you know about what was easy and what was difficult, what was surprising and what expectable. Hope you enjoy this last blogpost of 2017 and you enjoyed this year of content with me. I would be happy to receive some feedback at the end of the article! Have you been a regular reader and viewer of #52projectJA? What did you like, what did you miss? What didn't you like?


Let's dive a little deeper in my 2017 findings.

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Top Ten 2017

Welcome to my Top Ten 2017! Each year I collect my best ten shots and this is what I came up with in 2017.

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My Top Ten Hamburg pictures

Collecting a Top Ten of your hometown is never an easy process. I came up with a harbour heavy Top Ten that also has quite some black and white shots in between. Hope you enjoy it - leave a comment if you like.

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Elbe from above

After already showing you the Hamburg from above blogpost this week is about the Elbe from above. We started our one hour flight at at the tiny airport of Uetersen, about an hour northwest of Hamburg by car on a Friday afternoon.

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Hamburg from above

Aerial picture of Hamburg Landungsbrücken out of Cessna
Port of Hamburg during Golden hour
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My best guided tours

Jens Assmann on Uluru, Australia; Ayers Rock

Climbing Ayers Rock, Australia, August 2001

You can easily see that these pictures at the start of my list are the oldest. They are film and diapositives from 2001 in Australia. We spent six weeks down under in Australia and New Zealand with a field trip from university and kicked it off with the red centre before joining the group. We climbed Ayers Rock (or "Uluru" as the Aborigines call it) on an early and very windy morning. Afterwards the sun came out and we circled the famous Australian inselberg. A stunning place to stand on top off and the first example for my best guided tours.

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My Top Ten Night Photography

Long exposure of Nyhavn in Copenhagen

Copenhagen, Denmark

I started my photography year of 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark in January. After a day full of work I found some time to spent in Nyhavn, the old harbour of Copenhagen. I did some long exposure and it was very, very cold. Quite liked the result of the smooth water in Nyhavn in this pic. Find our more about my "At night" work. If you are interested in some more Copenhagen images click here.

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River Elbe - Lifeline of Hamburg

Moonlight over the Köhlbrandbrücke; January 2014
Moonlight over the Köhlbrandbrücke; January 2014
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My Top Ten Street Photography

I choose my Top Ten pictures every year and thought about my Top Ten street photography images as a blogpost. Collecting my very best street moments from all over the place. If you want more of this check my street photography gallery.

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Spectacular metro stations at HafenCity

I work in the middle of the city and I usually take an hour for my lunch break. I had to work between Christmas and New Year's Eve and decided to take the camera along lunchtime. Took the metro U4 - which is the newest in Hamburg - and stopped at HafenCity Universität. Look what colours I came up with.

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Elbphilharmonie - Fertig!

Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg at night

After seven years of building and ten times the planned costs the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg opens on January 11, 2017. It will hopefully serve the Hanseatic city as one of the best concert halls in the world and definitely as an architectural landmark in the middle of the Port of Hamburg. I shot this picture in December 2016 during my first time on the Elbphilharmonie plaza. This picture even got featured on Instagram by @Elbphilharmonie and received way more than 1.300 likes. A few weeks before the construction workers illuminated windows of the Elbphilharmonie reading "Fertig" (finished).


The Elbphilharmonie plaza is on top of the former warehouse "Kaispeicher A"  from 1963 and below the actual concert hall. Happy to see that after years of building and skyrocketing costs people and media will discuss its purpose as a concert hall from now on. If you haven't been up yourself you have to go!


The first part of this blogpost shows the recent pictures even from the plaza. The other pictures show the Elbphilharmonie in the making over the last years. The iconic shape of the roof has been finished for quite a while know when the problem was still the interior. Let me know what you think of this building.

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Top Ten 2016

Welcome to my 2016 highlights! Each year I collect my top ten shots and this is what I came up with in 2016. Hope you enjoy!

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Walking the tidal flats to Neuwerk

It is good to plan your trip to Neuwerk well in advance once you want to walk to the island during a summer weekend and stay there over night. We did so mid June and started our tour on a Sunday morning. You either use your worn out sneakers or go barefoot through the tidal flats.  The curvy track is about 12 km and it takes you less than three hours. You have to cross some tidal inlets that will reach up to your knees. Starting in Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen, you arrive on the island of Neuwerk, which surprisingly belongs to the city state of Hamburg although it is roughly 130 km away. If you do not want to walk the "Wattenmeer" you can either go by a horse carriage ("Wattwagen"), ride a horse or by bike. You will find a refreshing Wadden oasis ("Wattoase") as your halfway house before you start your finish. Once you made it Neuwerk rewards you with its quietness!

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Hamburg from below

I wanted to come up with a small series of pictures done differently. During a recent afternoon photo walk along Hamburg harbour I took my small Manfrotto table tripod (Pixi Mini) with me. It is only 20 cm high and gives a stable, but very low perspective. Every image below is done from this tripod slightly above street level and shoot with the Canon EF 16-35 mm wide angle. I really like this different approach of an area that I shot many times before. Since we had the typical December weather (not too cold but cloudy and wet) I decided to go black and white. My walk took me from St. Pauli Landungsbrücken all the way to the architectural landmark of Docklands. This is by far my favorite photo walk in Hamburg harbour. Feel free to comment on this series. I am very interested in your feedback. Enjoy my view of Hamburg from below!

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Blue Port Hamburg

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Christening of CMA CGM Georg Forster

In July 2015 I had the opportunity to attend the Christening ceremony of the CMA CGM Georg Forster at the harbour of Hamburg. It is one of the largest container vessels of the world carrying more than 18.000 TEU. One had a chance to visit the ship and Even visit the bridge. You will find some of the pics below. It took us quite a while walking up the staircase to the very top where the bridge is. Afterwards the Christening ceremony itself took place with roughly 500 guests. The weather was typical for Hamburg in July: cloudy, stormy, a bit of rain and quite cold. Nevertheless, it was a remarkable event at Burchardkai terminal.

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